Sunday, February 12, 2012


My flight was cancelled by one day.
When I flew into Colorado, a day later, I was greeted by a Winter Wonderland.

Love the sun rays being reflected off the snow.

Not Idaho.

Beautiful ice crusted fence!

Chimney puffing!

Over the hills and through the woods ........ to my Mum's house!

Napoleon and Queen Elizabeth .... NO they were never related!

A Scotsman captured from the Highlands.....
doomed under a dome forever!

My brother, Charles Moore, has been reproducing these very unique
Tiki Lamps from Hawaii's past. Cast in bronze, hand painted shades,
true to the original. His lamps were featured in the movie "Pearl Harbor', and are
known world wide. True to the original's they are moveable.

Packing up Mum's computer
Off to the Apple Store for a diagnosis!

How sick is this computer?

Out patient!

What can I say?
The Rocky Mountains!

House Plants!
What would we do without them?

Queen Victoria!

Having fun in Mum's office, a tweek here and there!

My most beloved hang-outs! Thrift Stores!
Had to pare down my 75 pound bag to return home...
Those darn thrift stores!

Stir Fry!

Will miss you Colorado!
And especially you, Mum!

1 comment:

  1. I love your mum's place. Such interesting objects. And you are right to be proud of your brother's lamps. Wow!
    Your photos are always special.
